It may seem odd to say this, but many of those who are living together in a TPE relationship get bored at times. If one thinks about this, it kind of makes sense. In many TPE relationships, the slave has a set routine that takes place day after day, and the Master/Mistress has most, if not all, of His or Her desires fulfilled on a regular basis. While this may sound like a dream come true for many Doms and subs, it can, and does, often lead to a decrease of intimacy between the two. This can be a problem for many couples, especially if it goes on for any length of time.
Now, it should be noted that in many TPE bonds, intimacy is not a priority. A lot of subs and Doms like it that way. They do not want, or need, much connection with one another outside the physical and psychological connections that come from the experience of total submission and dominance. But there are plenty of other couples who do want and need some intimacy in the relationship and this can be especially true if the couple lives together.
So, how does one keep the flames burning?
Do Something Different
Just because a couple is living in a TPE relationship does not mean that they cannot go out and do something that is new or different. Traditional couples (vanilla couples that is to say) do this all of the time as a way of providing some uniqueness to their life experiences. What you decide to do is up to you (or the Dominant, to be more precise), and can include anything from going dancing to taking a trip.
Temporary Release
This will not work for all TPE couples, but it can work well for many. The idea is simple, step out of your TPE rapports for a few hours or days. Allow the sub more freedom and ask what he or she would like to do that would increase the intimacy level between the two of you. Remarkable as it may sound, many Masters also enjoy having some time off from being the controlling influence of the relationship. It is perfectly all right for couples to take a break, and it is often one of the best ways to refresh the relationship which is something that all relationships need from time to time.
Change Up the Bedroom Life
Another way to increase intimacy is to change what happens in the bedroom. For instance, institute a “no orgasm” period for the both of you. For a certain number of days, neither Mistress nor slave will be allowed to have a release. This self-imposed celibacy can lead to a much needed build up for each person that can be lead to a most exciting time once the time limit is reached.
The above are just a few simple ideas on how to increase intimacy. You could always renegotiate Your/your TPE contract or renew your vows to one another. I am sure that you can come up with some new ways of your own if you think about it. Give it a try, you’ll be pleased with the results.
Author: Robert O.