A pet slave relationship is a specific type of BDSM arrangement between a “Master”, “Handler” or “Trainer” and the “pet” which typically declares that the slave voluntarily takes on animal status. Such a scenario can be just for sexual scenes where the submissive assumes animal mannerisms and behavior (pet play, pup-play, pony play, ponyism or kittenplay). Alternatively, relational arrangements also dehumanize the slave outside erotic role play in a 24/7 pet lifestyle.
The arrangement can vary greatly between the individuals involved but usually requires obedience and unconditional love from the pet. Other requirements can include eating from a bowl, crawling on all fours and even relinquishing rights to all possessions. The most common types of animal roles include pony, horse, pup, dog, wolf, cat, kitten and lion. Some people can be hybrids, taking on the role of more than one animal at certain times. These interactions do not involve bestiality.
Available Contracts:
In addition to the standard BDSM contract clauses, Master/Mistress and pet relationships can include aspects of the following:
Sex – this can include role play or it may be entirely non-sexual. If play is mentioned, the purpose and activities will depend on what type of animal is being assumed. For example puppy play would usually involve being playful, instinctive and mischievous. An uncollared or unowned pup is referred to as a “stray”. Sexual commands can include barking and kissing/licking the Dominant’s foot or shoes. Kitten play is less serious and enables the pet to retain some independence and may even allow retaliation against being tamed as part of the play.
Clothing – the Owner may stipulate dress requirements for the pet. For example a ponyboy/ponygirl may be required to wear elaborate harnesses, plumes, hoof boots, modified horse tack and masks. Some may even require temporary body adjustment using bondage (tying arms to forearms and thighs to calves). Puppies can be made to wear a collar and leash, hoods and mitts. The choice of attire can be specifically stated in a contractual document or it may be left up to the Owner’s discretion. If in writing, there should be a clause to stipulate that Master is to provide for the pet’s safety for example by requiring the use of kneepads for extended play.
Public exhibitionism – any contract should discuss whether public participation of animal role play is required. Some couples love to appear in conventions, fairs and kink festivals to show off their lifestyle. Whether you enjoy cart ponies (where the pet pulls a sulky carrying his/her Owner) or a dog wearing a collar attached to a leash, you should stipulate whether you are prepared to showcase your lifestyle in this way and how. Alternatively, you can just leave all this up to the Master to make decisions about your public appearances.
Pampering – in return for obedience, Your/your arrangement can include rewards such as pampering from the Owner. This enables the Dominant to show his/her appreciation for the pet’s love and for meeting the Owner’s needs and desires. Pampering usually involves showing gratification and affection and doesn’t have to be limited to pet-like rewards such as petting. You can specify treats and other types of pampering the Dominant shall give such as praise, gifts, making themselves available for personal interaction with His/Her pet, treating them to a nice dinner and even holidays. Think about what the pet desires and needs from the Owner and include them as potential rewards.
Restraint – being a pet doesn’t mean being locked up in a cage indefinitely; that is abuse. Restraint of pets is more geared toward role play, scenes and methods of punishment. This can be specifically detailed in a contract. For example, the document may state that the Owner has the power to order the animal to stay in his/her cage up to certain period for noncompliance, but it should never be a lengthy timeframe that could cause harm to mental or physical health.
Finances and possessions – some pet BDSM relationships take the transformation to a more literal level by relinquishing the pet of all rights and possessions. The idea behind this is that an animal can’t own anything. This is more akin to a voluntary slavery type situation as opposed to being a part time submissive. A contract document can transfer all assets of the pet to its Owner may and even require the pet to sign a power of attorney, giving Master full control over the pet’s finances. If you have such a clause, you should clearly state what happens to the remaining moneys and properties if the agreement comes to an end.
Training – this aspect is usually left as a broad statement as being the responsibility of the Master to provide proper training and guidance. This may involve the use of treats, commands and punishments. It can also be specifically written so that the Trainer must teach his/her pony or other animal to walk, trot or bark and generally obey commands. The agreement may also specify which days/times the pet is required to be trained.
Setting up a pet slave contract is an important way to formalize your relationship. When drafting the terms, you should ask yourselves about your goals and what your roles will be. This can help guide you with the more specific parts of the document. Just remember that being a pet is not necessarily a sexual object. Many enter into these contracts to show love and devotion to one another, but inevitably what you want out of the arrangement is up to you.