
  • BDSM Contract

    For simplicity, we have compiled our most popular templates into one place, here. What is the BDSM Contract? A legal style document to negotiate and define your BDSM power exchange dynamic (scroll down to "description" for more info). Only $5 if you purchase the Hard Copy BDSM Contract (save $14.00! Use the code CONTRACTBUNDLE at checkout).
    • PDF – fillable, savable fields (make & save changes any time). Password protected. Compatible with PC or Mac computers and laptops.
    • Microsoft Word – fully editable. Use with PC or Mac computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones.
    • Bonus: 3 pages of example clauses (ideas for your personalized rules).
    Select your Contract:
  • A legal style document to negotiate and define your pup play dynamic (scroll down for more info). Buy the digital version for only $4 with this Contract & save $15.00! Discount applied automatically in Cart. Select your cover:
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